2021 Tally Tango Results

Results are based on Data gathered from Trackleaders and Strava. Riders who are choosing to not be on Trackleaders are also choosing to not be scored and may have participated in the event and do not show up in the Results.

277 Mile Option

  1. Joe Wharton 23:44 (NEW RECORD)

177 Mile Option

  1. Andy Roberts and John Schwab 16:28

  2. Rasch Hole 19:49

  3. David Vitro 21:52

  4. Chris Hudson and Matthew Borbely 23:04

  5. Michael Rowe 34:27

ITT Eric Post 13:20 (NEW  RECORD)

ITT Stacy Bolton 27:48

ITT Opie Carter and Jesse Peters 50:44

Original 165 miles

  1. Steve Herndon 34:48

Finished but not scored:

Rick Zelznak 16:05

David Muse 19:50

David Ellis 34:16


Jeff Myers 45:10


Mitchell Sellars

Charlie and Molly Rider Kemp

John Cragin

Myke Bardell